Thursday, April 23, 2015


Kleptomania is a  disorder in which the individual repeatedly gives in to the impulse to steal for no great gain, when he or she has sufficient money to pay for the item and no need for what is stolen.

DSM-IV-TR classifies diagnostic criteria for Kleptomania as: Kleptomania is the recurrent failure  to resist impulses to steal items even through the items are not needed for personal use or their monetary value( Criteria A) , The individual experiences a rising subjective sense of tension before the theft ( Criteria B) and feels pleasure, gratification, or relief when committing the theft ( criterion C) the stealing is not committed to express anger or vengeance, it is done in response to a delusion or hallucination (criterion D) and is not better accounted for by Conduct Disorder, a Manic Episode, or Anti social personality disorder ( Criterion E) . the objects are stolen despite the fact that they are typically of little value to the individual, who could have afforded to pay for them and often gives them away or discards them. they do not usually pre plan the thefts or fully take into account the chances of apprehension. the stealing is done without assistance from or collaboration with,others, 

Kleptomania is a rare condition that appears to occur in fewer than 5% of identified shoplifters. Its prevalence in general population is unknown. approximately two-third of individuals with Kleptomania are females if we take gender specific features. Some individuals, especially adolescents, may also steal on a dare, as an act of rebellion, or as a rite of passage. The diagnosis of kleptomania is not made unless other characteristic features of Kleptomania are also present. Kleptomania is rare, whereas shoplifting is relatively common. In malingering, individuals may simulate the symptoms of kleptomania to avoid criminal prosecution.
A variety of therapies have been used to treat this disorder.  Counseling or therapy in a group or one-on-one setting can be very helpful. It is usually aimed at dealing with underlying psychological problems that may be contributing to kleptomania. Behavioral strategies have been reported as successful though the soundest research points to promising results with the use of anti-depressant medication. 
Normally the prognosis for recovery of kleptomania is fair, but can increase with a positive therapeutic relationship and a strong motivation to change the behavior. Kleptomania often goes untreated and results in legal difficulties

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