Thursday, April 2, 2015


Today I chose this topic “Cheerful” .

In our daily lives we have been so monotonous these days that we have forgotten the literal meaning of cheerful, most of the times we are unhappy, complaining, irritated or sad. Even If we open the morning paper from the front page  to the last page there is so much of stress, pain, hatred, crime, abuse so I thought I would focus on this word Cheerful…
If you see today’s children their childhood has forgotten to be innocently cheerful—they are all so busy with pressure of studies, competition, gadgets-- hardly you will find children enjoying without any worries…Just being cheerful and happy . But being cheerful is the need of the hour if we want to have next generation a happy generation.
Adults in the role of doing multiple tasks remained stressed..and forget to be happy… Do you remember the last time you have laughed your heart out…without any inhibitions just being self… Today my friends who are reading this  I request you to take 10 minutes of your day and recollect a funny incident of your life and laugh it out.. or do something that makes you happy .
When you keep on repeating an action it becomes a behavioral habit such as the BRUSHING  habit. When you keep repeating MENTAL ACTION   as consciously directing your thoughts towards cheerfulness it becomes a mental habit and if you get into habit of thinking negative it leads to  hopelessness
Being Cheerful is very  contagious  so if you are cheerful you can spread this and people around you also be cheerful and happy.  To insure good health it’s important to have daily doses of cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. How we develop physical immunity to protect our self from diseases it’s important that we should develop emotional immunity against negativity, hopelessness, setbacks. You can develop immunity of emotion in mind by cultivating habits of right rational thinking.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blessed..I feel today

I feel truly Blessed…
As soon as the thought of blogging the letter B-first word that came to my mind was blessed. 
I thought why not this year I focus on the word  Blessed..I feel today. I go back to memory lane to recall the innumerable times I have felt blessed which has been showered on me by various acquaintances I had in life. I  feel that the small things that happen when you least expect it are also blessings in disguise. 
I always thank my family, friends who are my blessings as during my weaker moments they understand me, support me and stands by me when I need the most.
some instances of life where I felt really blessed..

I am really blessed with my daughter—I remember during my pregnancy I did not have much support as my parent were old- not well, but those 9 months—I was well, did not have any sickness, worked till day before getting admitted to hospital, and had a normal delivery…and the process was so peaceful that I knew that I was blessed coz God always leaves one door open when others are shut..I remember Shyam my husband had been there during the whole process in delivery. 
     To my surprise in Hyderabad, India amongst my interactions with so many families last 10 years I have hardly found 2 families where father was there present in the delivery room during delivery process. Of course amongst Bengali friends I have found many of father’s part of this wonderful process…
Another example I remember when I was working in  Divya Disha in 2009,  the project I was working on had come to an end..and before I could ponder what to do next ---this offer of CSR in Makro came as a blessing--which just happened as one day I got an email from my present director there is an opening where you will be the architect of this venture. CSR.. I had taken it though I was very scared to get into something which is very new  –whether I would be able to fit in… but when I look back I consider it as a blessing in disguise. 

My daily blessings in disguise examples- When I am stuck on a road where there is no hope of getting a transport… a public vehicle  which comes and reaches me to my next destination is a blessing for me at that moment.
I also consider myself blessed with the people who have helped me in my home front-my family, my domestic helpers .. I know if you pay you get people but to get good people is a blessing. I see in my building itself there are 10 families and how they struggle with their domestic helpers—that time I just say thank you God I don’t have to struggle that much..     
 So today I write…I accept the blessed and   flow of abundant love from nature…
I  allow the highest source of goodness to flow through me and also pass on this goodness flow to you all.
I allow to be blessed today with wisdom, strength and patience.
I am blessed with an incredible family and friends and wash out all the negative people from my surrounding.
I feel blessed to choose the strength within, love with an expanded heart,
I feel blessed to work with focus mind and thankful for all I have..
I hope to release out all the toxic people from my love….
So today I tell that its important to Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose and accept the blessings that you have in your life and express gratitude with open heart....
 Coz there are many people who have not been blessed as we are....

Attitude, Awareness, Action-Key to success..

Today as the first day of blogging I want to talk about Awareness, Attitude and Action that can lead to Success or lead to Failure.
An Attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor towards a person, place, thing or event. An attitude is generally formed by a person’s past or present. Negative attitude can create hindrance in achieving purpose or goals of life and lead to unproductive outcome. However positive thoughts generate positive feelings, attract positive experiences and helps in developing   positive attitude.  
Realising this is called Self awareness. Self-awareness is a psychological state in which people are aware of their traits, feelings and behaviour. Crisp & Turner, 2010, says alternately, it can be defined as the realization of oneself as an individual entity. After becoming aware it’s important to take Action.
Actions are your behaviors, the things you do which move you toward your goals. Taking action is an important step towards   achievement.We often have difficulty in taking action as we always focus on that  right decision or right action and in the pursuit end up doing nothing. People sometimes assume that only big things count as taking action. However it is often the small, steady actions which contribute to you reaching your goals.
The three components of achieving the life you desire is   Attitude, Self awareness  and Actions . Adverse circumstances bothers you till the time you pay attention. The moment you divert your attention into favourable circumstances all your troubles fade away.

Remember::::“There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth: it is YOU.” You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.  Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your partner changes, when your company changes. 
Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life. “The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself. 

If anyone has difficulty in taking action can contact us