Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Difference Between Winning and Losing

The Difference Between Winning and Losing
By Catherine Pulsifer
Hanging on, persevering, WINNING
Letting go, giving up easily, LOSING
Accepting responsibility for your actions, WINNING
Always having an excuse for your actions, LOSING
Taking the initiative, WINNING
Waiting to be told what to do, LOSING
Knowing what you want and setting goals to achieve it, WINNING
Wishing for things, but taking no action, LOSING
Seeing the big picture, and setting your goals accordingly, WINNING
Seeing only where you are today, LOSING
Being determined, unwilling to give up WINNING
Gives up easily, LOSING
Having focus, staying on track, WINNING
Allowing minor distractions to side track them, LOSING
Having a positive attitude, WINNING
having a "poor me" attitude, LOSING
Adopt a WINNING attitude!
My thoughts,
I really liked it and hope you also like it, we become so tuned to winning that one incident of loosing deters our mind.... i have learnt to adopt the above and am slowly moving towards having a Winning Attitude.. I really thank all my friends and well wisheers for supporting me this